Photographing Fog, Mt. Tamalpais

A nice piece in DP Review on Nick Steinberg’s work photographing fog in the San Francisco area.   These images have a magical feel but you can also tell how much thought went into the compositions. I’ve included a few shots below.  Here’s a bit on how the magic is done:

When the fog rolls in, they make their way to Mt. Tamalpais, which sits at 2,572ft above sea level. This unique vantage point gives them the opportunity to photograph some amazingly beautiful conditions. With the help of an ND filter and exposure times sometimes exceeding two minutes, Nick is able to capture the fog waves as they make their way inland.


Nick’s web site has a lot more and the images are larger:


On this shot, you can see the Transamerica pyramid in the distance:san-fran2

This final image shows how long Nick’s exposure times are. The image shows a car light trail from one car (as I see it) going down-mountain. Technically everything is perfectly thought out and visually there are all kinds of surprises within a lovely composition.fog3



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